2015-09-20 2 min read



Zach wrote a really good retrospective on our sourcing trip to China for The Public Radio. It's kind of a must-read for anyone thinking about manufacturing and product development... which unless I'm crazy should be everyone on this mailing list.

Meanwhile I got some new EBM titanium bike parts from Addaero, and am scheming on some fun things there :)


  • Google (ugh, Alphabet?) hired John Krafcik to CEO their self-driving car business. Krafcik was the first American engineer hired at NUMMI (now the Tesla factory), and coined the term "lean production."
  • Etsy launched their manufacturing product, which helps shop owners to scale their businesses. I know that Amanda has been working on these ideas for a while, and am really interested in seeing where it goes.




Stuff that doesn't fit into my dumb/arbitrary categories.


A discussion on what types of images are *really* difficult
to compress by JPEG.

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